Categories of centrifugal separators | Maker of the separator Saito separator limited

Categories of centrifugal separators | Maker of the separator Saito separator limited

Categories of centrifugal separators

Classification by structure

The rotary drum part has a variety of structures to reasonably attain the separation purpose; in addition, improvements have been made in the discharging unit to extract separated components continuously or automatically. This is because the components cannot be extracted in the same way due to differences between visco-elastic characteristics of components.
Table 1 lists the categories classified by bowl part structures. The functions are given in the center column and composition of the liquid mixture to be separated in the test tube model is shown on the right side. The shaded area at the bottom indicates settled solid content and the liquid is the liquid component.

Categories of centrifugal separators

Classification by functions

Functions are classified by purpose as shown below.


A machine for separating liquid with heavy specific gravity and components with light specific gravity components.
Mixed components are not limited to two, but separation is enabled only for two-phase mixture.
Mixture of settled solid content is allowed; for its extraction, there are various types depending on the discharging methods (manual, batch automatic, or continuous), the solid content concentration of the liquid supply side, and the target concentration of the recovered solid content.


A machine for separating liquid with suspended small particles into clarified liquid and solid contents.
Extracting separated solid contents from a rapidly bowl part is not as easy as extracting liquid. There are various clarifier types depending on the methods for extracting solid contents.
The model must be selected, based on whether the target component is liquid or solid content, the clarification of the requested liquid, and the concentration of the solid contents. The extracting method should also be selected according to the visco-elastic characteristics of the solid contents. In addition, selection of the solid content concentration of the supplied liquid is an important point.


Machine for concentrating and recovering suspended solid contents.
In the early stage clarifiers may be used for this purpose, though the nozzle type is mainly used when high solid content concentration is not required.
With the exception of clarifier screw decanters recovery of all solid contents is done in batch mode, though the nozzle type has a characteristic of continuously discharging concentrated solid contents.
